Terence Nance
- 2016 Univitellin
- 2016 They Charge for the Sun
- 2015 Swimming in Your Skin Again
- 2012 An Oversimplification of Her Beauty
- 2010 How Would You Feel?
- 2011 Native Sun
- 2009 No ward
Director Story
Terence Nance est un artiste originaire de Dallas. Il réalise des films, des installations, des performances et compose de la musique. Son premier long métrage “An oversimplification of her beauty” a notamment été sélectionné à Sundance et à Rotterdam, en 2012. Ce film a permis à Terence d’être désigné parmi les 25 nouveaux visages du cinéma indépendant par le magazine Filmmaker. Son dernier court métrage “Univitellin” a été diffusé pour la première fois au Festival international du Film de Rotterdam 2016.
Terence Nance is an artist born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Terence makes films, installations, performances and music. His first feature film “An Oversimplification of Her Beauty” was selected in particular at Sundance and Rotterdam in 2012. The film allowed Terence to be recognized as one of the 25 new faces of independent film by Filmmaker magazine. His new short film “Univitellin” was selected for her world premiere at Rotterdam, in 2016.