How to say goodbye
Overview / Aperçu
Après leur rupture, Mia doit retourner dans l’appartement de son ex-petite amie. Ce sera leur tout dernier moment ensemble, avant de se dire au revoir.
After their break-up, Mia has to return to her ex-girlfriend’s apartment. This is going to be their very last moment together, before they say goodbye.
Script : Thibault Buccellato
Production : Road Films
Pays de production / Production country : France
Langue / Production language : Anglais / English
Sous-genre / Sub-genre : Fiction, Drame, Romance / Fiction, Drama, Romance
Thème / Theme : Rupture, Amour, LGBTQIA+ / Break-up, Love, LGBTQIA+
Festivals & Awards / Festivals & Prix
Lift off Festival – Iver, Royaume-Uni
ImageOut – The Rochester LGBTQ+ Film Festival- Rochester, USA
Festival du film LGBTQI+ Chéries Chéris – Paris, France
Entre Curtas- Chaves, Portugal
Des images aux mots- Toulouse, France
Brussels Pink Screens Film Festival – Bruxelles, Belgique