Overview / Aperçu
Michel, a chronically depressive young man, is on his way to his native village. On the road, he makes a fortuitous and life-changing encounter: a signaling stud ! Despite himself, this new traveling companion, is going to push him to confront his fears and traumas.
Michel, dépressif chronique, est en route pour son village natal. Sur le chemin, il fait une rencontre qui va changer le cours de son existence : un PLOT ! Ce compagnon de fortune peu banal va le pousser, malgré lui, à affronter ses traumas.
Script : Sébastien Auger
Production : A travers le miroir
Production country / Pays de production : France
Production language / Langue : French / Français
Sub-genre/Sous-genre : Musical Comedy / Comédie musicale
Themes : Inheritence, Musical, Family/ Héritage, Musical, Famille
Festivals & Awards / Festivals & Prix
- Warsaw Film Festival
- Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand
- Seoul International Short Film Festival
- BuSho International Film Festival
- Sopot Film Festival
- Cisterna Film Festival
- Festival Européen du Film Court de Brest
- Yerevan Short Film Festival
- Lund Fantastic Film Festival
- Zubroffka International Short Film Festival
- Soria International Short Film Festival
- International Film Festival of Larissa
- ShorTS International Film Festival
- GBiennale
- Jecheon International Music & Films Festival
- Festival du Court Métrage d’Auch
- Mulhouse Tous Courts